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WhitePaper : Reduced OpEx and Assured SLAs in Public Wi-Fi Deployment through intelligent QoE measurement

February 14, 2022

Public Wi-Fi deployments are on the rise. Governments across the Worlds has realized the need for connectivity at every corner of the country that will provide opportunities to create new jobs, improve agricultural productivity, remote education and enhance local public services. In US, FCC’s have setup Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) and Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF) for $7.17 and $20.4 billion respectively that will guarantee higher internet speeds and will help schools and libraries to provide tools and services to their communities. Similarly, India announced PM-WANI scheme, aims to increase internet connectivity across the country by implementing a decentralized system of public access points to bridge the digital divide. 

The challenges of deploying digital connectivity in rural and remote areas are not limited to just longer distances and rough terrain – the challenge is post deployment to operate and sustain the models to provide a reliable connectivity which decides the success or failure of these projects. 

 Aprecomm & HFCL joint Whitepaper explores these challenges faced and innovative measures to provide reliable connectivity in a rural-Wi-Fi deployments. In it we analyze: 

  • What Wi-Fi service delivery challenges do Service Providers face in Public Wi-Fi Deployments 
  • What are the complexities and expenses incurred by Service Provides to operate a Rural WiFi Network.
  • How QoE (Quality of Experience) measurement can act as Automated Feedback System leading to Proactive Maintenance 
  • How Aprecomm’s VWE (Virtual Wireless Expert) can aid and its uniqueness
  • Opex Saving obtained by using products like Aprecomm VWE

    Download the White Paper for more technical information & insights: “Reduced OpEx and Assured SLAs in public Wi-Fi Deployment through intelligent QoE measurement”